Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Thank You, from the bottom of our hearts.

On the morning of Diwali 2012, a day before Teachers Day, my wife and I found ourselves on our way to India. It was not a joyride home though. My father had bid adieu to this world in a sudden respiratory attack.  He was ambulatory, witty and independent to the very end. Also, he was very well loved and respected. Too many people have expressed grief over our loss and as many have been with us so long.

I dedicate this post to everyone who have touched our lives. Right from the very beginning till now. Sometimes it was the most unexpected of people who've shown empathy. Countless times we've been blown away by the tireless compassion shown by you all. My father was blessed in every other way - we'd always say.

My father has shown that Cancer is definitely not a disease. It is not to be frightened about. It is a door to a different world - perhaps painful to the body but enlightening to the soul. It is a world where the smallest of things can bring much happiness. And each peaceful morning is all that matters. Where a smiling face is like the radiating sun and a lending hand lets you cross an ocean.

Truth be told, my father had conquered the disease ages ago. He was never tormented by the pain in as much as a bodily discomfort and helplessness to others, as he only gained in faith and respect as it progressed, thereby giving it only his body in the end but leaving with a very strong and reaffirmed soul than ever before.

We thank each and everyone of you who have shown us this world. We have seen the kindness in your soul. Your empathy and compassion is unforgettable.

We really thank all our doctors at Amritha hospital, Cochin and Adayar Cancer Institute, Chennai - you are all God in different forms, tirelessly working and striving to help others compassionately. Truly yours is a noble profession. I have to especially highlight the work done by Adayar Cancer Institute and Cachar Cancer Center because they are hospitals with world-class doctors freely treating the poor throughout the year. My respect for them goes through the roof. I was only able to contribute as little as I could monetarily but I will make it a point to lend my voluntary help as I can too.

Now to the present and the future.

In the present day, where one in three is affected with this disease, there is not a single neighborhood that is without an affected household. Economic and social conditions aside, this disease affects victims alike. And suffice to be told that a terminal disease afflicts not just the patient, but an entire family.

Gauging from simple research, one can be quite satisfied with the level of cancer awareness spreading throughout the world now. The fight for it is also in good progress with countless agencies and pharmaceuticals in this pursuit. But what is lacking is the continued support, care and voluntary work shown by society - what you have given us and taught the invaluable benefit of. Ongoing cancer support is as much as a necessity as finding a cure. Society needs to mend itself to be more outward and supportive than inward and pleasure seeking nowadays. I now feel if I could spend some of those empty evenings from work at a needy house lending a helping hand, it could do wonders. Way better than procrastinating in front of the television or computer. This is my next journey.

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart once again for being my guide, mentor, friend and strength in times of our deepest sorrow. God Bless.

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